Greetings, all!
The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated...or, something like that. I'm seriously trying to get my writing cap back on, so please pardon if I struggle a little. It's painful to sit at the keyboard for any length of time, so keeping my attention and focus on writing has been very difficult.
Thank you all for your concern and well wishes. I have been very sick, for a long time now, and it's been trying, to say the least. I do appreciate all of the messages and texts of well wishes and I'm working diligently to function somewhat normally (what?). In short, the (very expensive!) meds have stopped working and my rheumatoid disease is getting worse. I'm currently in limbo in the medical world as my team of dr.'s try to figure out what to do with me. It seems I am back to being an "enigma". I'll keep you posted on that. Meantime, let's move on.
Exciting news from the publishing department...two FB author friends have new book releases (yay!). Musician/author Jamon Scott's "Michael Jackson Got Me On Coke" is a delightful read of 'memories from the middle of nowhere'. It's available at . Chris LaFata is getting great reviews for his first effort of history and sci-fi, "Washington's Providence". Check it out at
As for me, I'm still on the fence about "Back Track". The only thing I am certain of so far, is that I'm absolutely in love with the cover! It's the interior I keep changing, fixing, having second thoughts about scene structure or page setup, or...whatever. You know how when you really, really, really want something to be absolutely perfect and won't settle for less? too. That combined with the fact that already I can't sit here in this chair at this keyboard any longer has greatly hindered my progress of release. I promise I will find a way to work it out and get it ready to for readers! It is still available on Kindle. Let me know what you think.
Take great care, my loves. Each day I learn how very precious life truly is and how much I appreciate the little things that really matter. Take care of each other. In the end, that's all we have. Toys don't matter, things don't matter, even achievements really aren't what's at the heart of, our hearts. It's love. For everyone.
Lovingly yours,
*Hugs* ~ K