W-E-L-C-O-M-E to my little corner of the planet. Take a seat, get comfy. You're among friends, so please feel free to comment. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my ramblings. Be sure to scroll all the way down to get the daily puppy ~ they're so cute!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

And now, for something completely different

Remember those skits with Monty Python back in the '70's? I do, and what fun we had!  Simple slapstick British humor (and a little help from THC) had us rolling on the floor with laughter! Ah...the good ol' days J

I would like to move on to featuring other author content in my blog.  I've already blogged about my favorite music, some of my favorite reading, what makes my character in "Random Encounters" tick, her motivations for what she does and now, I'd like to talk to other authors and even readers about their art.  If you are an author, know of an author who would like some shameless self promotion, or if you are a reader, who would like for authors to know your perspective of the art of writing and reading, shoot me a line.  Send me a tweet @speshlk0510.  Text me! I'll take any ol' suggestions from anyone, anytime.  Computer is always on and so is the phone. I'd prefer not to get phone calls as I spend an inordinate amount of time talking on the phone for business and band bookings, which can't be avoided...it goes with those territories, so if you are so inclined as to communicate via phone, text is preferable.  Those of you who know me, already have my number.  Those who don't, well...I'd suggest e-mail, tweet, Facebook, or comment here at the bottom of my blog and we'll hook up.  Not like Veronica Walters hooks up, that might be illegal in some states, but we'll get together somehow to get your suggestions and start showcasing here.  It'll be fun! I love group participation ;-)

Go to any site of your choice, whatever floats your leaky little boat, to buy "Random Encounters".  Sales have been steady, so I'm really encouraged that people are reading it, now I just need some reviews from some brave souls who don't mind having their names mentioned, their lives paraded in public for all to see and scrutinize...oh, no! Not that last part.  I think I'm the one that gets that flogging. 

Sites where "Random Encounters" is available, and it's usually in the romance/erotic section:

www.amazon.com for paperback and Kindle
www.lulu.com for paperback
www.smashwords.com for paperback, Kindle, Nook, E-reader, etc. including pdf download

Hug somebody today! 

Randomly yours,

~ K

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